7 Dos and Don’ts for Managing PPC Program

Due to the notable imbalance in the economy in recent weeks, many companies and businesses temporarily closed their PPC marketing agencies and taking charge of their PPC ads. Now, no matter you have managed PPC campaigns in the past or not, things are now different than what was it used to be a year ago. In this article, we are going to discuss what you should do and what you should not do while taking charge of your whole PPC campaigns. Let’s begin!
1. Get Lean
Try to make your accounts more straightforward and simpler as much as possible. Here is a way to make it simpler and more focused:
Check Ad Schedules
First of all, check when your audience is online and when most of your audience remains offline or inactive. When you get an idea about it, you will be able to schedule your ads when most of your audience is likely to be online. For instance, you might want to turn off your ads when nobody of your target users is likely offline, such as on weekends, as they will be spending time with families rather than Google search.
So make sure to invest only when it worth your business and your audience rather than running ads in free fall. You should also use your location, targeting even further to narrow your ads to show them only to the accessible audience. 
2. Enhance Your Reaction Time
Running PPC ads requires a quick decision-maker, and a slow response rate can lead to many issues. It is indeed required to take action while managing a PPC campaign quickly.  Otherwise, your budget can be quickly spent over unnecessary or non-beneficial ads. Suppose if one your ads are not performing well and you are getting irrelevant leads, as well as your money, is wasting. In such cases, if you delay stopping or modifying the ad, it can cause a lot of issues. 
3. Don’t Suppose Exact Match to always be Exact
 If you think that exact match keywords will always be exact with your user queries, then you are probably expecting too much from Google Ads. Actually, Google updated its exact match keyword algorithm, and it is no longer than exactly as it was used to be. From now on, Google Ads exact phrase match will also allow people that search with some changes in word order or misspell a bit while searching. This new change is being in practice from September 2018, and this may allow a bit of variation in exact match keywords.
4. Get Help from Others
It may sound a bit pathetic, but it is an important thing to know. Asking help from experienced one is not a sign that you are weak in PPC projects, but it is an indication of a wise person. We are not recommending you to hand over all of your projects to the PPC agencies, but you can let them manage some of your campaigns or with some modifications. For these cases, it is better to reach out to those agencies that are not that popular but can still help you in managing it. 
5. Don’t be nervous
Always expect great and sharp turns while managing all PPC projects after a long time. You may fear by seeing the great daily spend in your PPC campaigns.  You may also see some campaigns are almost useless even though you worked really hard in researching and creating them. 
6. Don’t Turn Off Your PPC Account
When you face so many troubles while running PPC campaigns after a long, you may feel that the best way to get rid of this all is to suspend the PPC account. Always remember that running away from problems will not make you gain profit in your business either. You may save a little money by doing so for now, but later you will be out of the race when situations will get normal. Stopping every paid promotion will significantly affect your brand awareness.   
7. Be Positive No matter how bad of an experience you have with PPC programs, do not let negative thoughts cripple you. Being positive throughout may teach you a lot of lessons, and you may even get a reward for working hard in the end. 
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for E Global Soft Solutions. E Global Soft Solutions is a digital marketing, seo, smo and web development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, web design and development, graphic design, and a lot more.


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