Top 7 Rainmeter Skins for Windows in 2019

Many Windows users like to customize their computer from time to time. Even the Windows platform is a favorite of many because of its customizing capabilities. You get the option to change the look of your desktop accordingly and use any tool that you want. If you also like to give a new look to your PC every now and then, you need to try the Rainmeter tool now. It is an ideal tool but has very few starter skins, and that’s why the best Rainmeter skins are mentioned here for you to install.
Give a different and exciting look to your PC with these Rainmeter skins:
1. Illustro Monitor
If you want to see system information, then this rainmeter system monitor skin is perfect for you. The data includes CPU temperature, RAM usage, the space in the hard drive, and more. It showcases monitoring stat that Task Manager on your computer provides. All the stats are real-time and help you know about the performance of your computer. From CPU usage to hard disk drive space to network performance, you can track everything correctly with it.
2. Soonex
Time is considered as one of the most valuable things. If you wish to check the time on your desktop, in a bigger format, then Soonex is an ideal rainmeter clock skin for you. Not only time but even it displays the day of the month. It shows time in hours, minutes, and seconds format. The white font is destined to look amazing over a dark desktop wallpaper.
3. Monstercat Visualizer
Monstercat Visualizer comes as one of the best rainmeter music player skins. You can directly check the playing tracks and change them directly from your desktop with the use of it. No need to open the music program. Various Windows users are already using this skin. It consists of a music player and a visualizer and can be configured easily with iTunes, Spotify, VLC, and more. The easy to use interface and simple design add more value to it.
4. Fountain Of Colors
Rainmeter VU Meter Skins are also perfect for use. They display the audio playing on your PC in the form of VU or Volume Unit meters.  Fountain Of Colors comes as a high-rated VU meter for Rainmeter. You can easily customize it accordingly with the given settings. The fountain effect of this Rainmeter skin makes it look more beautiful and exciting.
5. Do I Need A Jacket
You can even check the weather forecast on the desktop with the use of an ideal Rainmeter weather skin. If you want to use one, ‘Do I Need A Jacket’ is one of the best and well-known Rainmeter weather skins for use. It lets you know if a jacket is necessary, according to the weather forecast, or not. You can easily configure this weather skin accordingly as well.    
6. Honeycomb
Rainmeter Program Launchers are very helpful as they allow you to open any specific program directly through your desktop. Honeycomb is one such popular Rainmeter program launcher. For opening files and folders, it provides polygon-shaped buttons. You get the option to launch different programs with ease through this ideal Rainmeter program launcher.
7. LIM1T
Rainmeter suites can find and configure various skins such as the clock, system monitors, weather, and more ideally. You will have to, however, set all of them by yourself. The information of all the widgets will be shown to you in a grey font when the displayed value will be low. As the value increases, the colors will start filling in the numbers too.
Overall, these are the best rainmeter skins that you must install if you use this tool on your Windows computer.
Harry Williams is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for Tekwire on NortonWebrootMcAfeeMicrosoft Office and many other related topics. He is a very knowledgeable person with lots of experience. To get in touch with the internet security service provider, just dial 8444796777.


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