Proven Ways to Hide Photos on Android
Your phone gallery consists of all the photos that you click as well the ones you download from the internet and receive from others. There are times when you have to give your phone to others, but you don’t want them to see specific photos in your device. The images can be of private information, memes, or loved one. No matter what is there in your phone, it is possible to hide particular photos that you want on your Android phone. There are various ways to protect pictures on your phone, let’s discuss all of them. Through third-party apps If you don’t want to go in technical details, the simplest way to hide photos is through third-party apps. These are the best apps for you: 1. Keepsafe Vault Keepsafe Vault allows you to keep your photos encrypted and password protector. Even, it lets you backup your pictures on the dedicated cloud storage of this app. This free app has a feature that enables you to hide the onscreen icon of this app. Once you hide the app’s icon, no o...